Home-made dinner​
What is creating a home? What is being at home? What does a home feel like?

Julija (b.1995, Vilnius) is a curator and cook. Parel and Julija are friends. Both live away from their old home, so much of their time is spent making and creating a new one. For this dinner, they invite the guests to ponder on what home is and how we create one in precarity.
At this dinner, the hosts will bring ingredients that make them feel at home and invite the guest to take something home with them. They take the framework of creating a home from the “Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction” by Ursula K. Le Guin. Ursula proposes that gathering is how humans create a sense of belonging.
How can we take elements that remind us of our old homes that we bring from wherever we come from, and not just reproduce them with all their faults, but create future homes we want to live in? Taking something from the past and bringing it into the contemporary is an exercise in future-making. One that is not about being new, original, or profitable, but resilient and caring. A two-course meal based on heritage and seasonality will be the basis for a conversation on how we can create a feeling of belonging in a precarious present and future.